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Showing posts from August, 2016


Teesta is holy , not just through tourism wise but Teesta has a major historical background to all the nepali community , therefore Teesta is very much our pride and saviour. But the " Teesta today " is so much in danger and the inhabitants in and around the Teesta river have been badly affected due to the construction of huge unregulated dams built in the stretches of the river . Most of the inhabitants that are affected have lost their shelters , housings and their personal land. Also in some cases  people who were suppose to give them funds , infact " pay them " after they were told to leave their house have not been paid properly and in some cases the inhabitants have therefore complained that the middlemen have taken their money without giving a single Penny to them . They are now leading life in hunger , pain and agony.Whom are we to blame now ?? The unregulated dams has taken lives of many unknowingly and yes of course the poor inhabitants there will not get ...

The Racist flipkart ad needs to stop

This morning while I was watching Tv commercials I saw this utterly disappointing advertisement which is " no fun " for me and doesn't entertain my culture at all. All I could see is just pure negativity and racism. I know right , everything that comes on Tv doesn't have to be true or perfect , the media has its part to play but this flipkart commercial is just too major for the entire nepali ( Gorkha )community and therefore an objection is a must. The flipkart advertisement shows one kid dressed up with " the Gorkhali topi ( hat ) as he plays the role of a security guard. “Why does some people in the Media still have the idea  that all the Nepalese has to be portrayed as a " security guard " with horrible Indian accents. Look we could understand if this was an old documentary or a film that was based years ago. This is a very much 21st century modern advertisement and if some of the people in the media still thinks that the Nepalese just fits in as ...

Dandi March in Kalimpong . Proud Indians .

This year Kalimpong witnessed  the much awaited special presentation act - "Dandi March "on the eve of this years Independence   day celebration . The presentation was done by the members of the SDO office Kalimpong . It is indeeed very important to know about our  Indian roots and that the celebration here in Kalimpong apparently shows how proud we are to be " Indians ". The  Salt March , also known as the  Dandi March  and the  Dandi Satyagraha , was an act of  nonviolent   civil disobedience  in  colonial India initiated by  Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi  to produce salt from the seawater, as was the practice of the local populace until British officials introduced taxation on salt production, deemed their sea-salt reclamation activities illegal, and then repeatedly used force to stop it. The 24-day march began on 12 March 1930 as a  direct action  campaign of  tax resistance and  nonviolent protest ...